Trips, Visits & Experiences
Educational Visits
During the year we aim to take the children on at least one visit associated with the topic being studied in class. Curriculum information is published on our website at the start of the year in order that you can plan your own linked visits should you wish to do so. We also receive a wide variety of educational visitors, including sports specialists, authors, museum curators and a number of others who are specialists in their fields. These activities form a valuable part of the children's learning and development, but we do depend on the financial support of parents to be able to continue organising them. However, no child will be excluded where there is a case of genuine financial need.
Experience Days
To enhance our curriculum and provide meaningful learning opportunities, we aim to provide the children with a variety of ‘experience days.’ These utilise the space and resources within school and have included a Tudor banquet, an expedition across ‘Antarctica,’ survival skills during ranger day and recreating the Great Fire of London.
School Journeys
At Riverbridge we are committed to enriching the curriculum and providing our children with a range of exciting opportunities and experiences.
In the summer term of Year 4 the children take part in an overnight stay with a difference; they will be entertained and engaged through a wide range of purposeful, enriching activities. In addition, there will be evening entertainment activities.

In Year 5 the children go on a weekend residential in Bowles Rocks Education Centre. At Bowles the children take part in a range of adventurous outdoor activities such as rock climbing, raft building, low ropes traversing and team building exercises.

Finally in Year 6, the children go on a city break to Bristol where they become fully immersed in city life, going to a museum, the cathedral, SS Great Britain, the aquarium and laser quest.
We ask that parents support us in this exciting residential-experience element of our curriculum. No child would ever be excluded in cases of genuine financial hardship and we would endeavour to ensure that every member of the class took part in the residential trips as we believe they are such an important aspect of our provision at Riverbridge.
Clubs and Curriculum Environment
We have an exciting range of before, after-school & lunchtime clubs including football, cheerleading, dance, computing, choir, craft, cooking, summer sports, golf and many more! The clubs are taken by teachers, teaching assistants as well as outside specialists. There is a balance of fee-paying and free clubs and we work hard to ensure that all children have equality of access and opportunity in terms of this element of extra-curricular provision. Information about each term's clubs are sent to parents in the weekly newsletter at the beginning of each term. For more information about the clubs on offer each term please click here.