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Riverbridge Primary School


At Riverbridge, we are committed to the teaching and learning of an engaging RE curriculum in line with the Surrey Agreed Syllabus. Through teaching RE we aim to support pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, including British values. Pupils are encouraged to adopt positive attitudes towards their learning as well as the beliefs and values of others. Quality teaching of RE can support pupils' ability to reflect, express, empathise, develop investigative skills as well as provide opportunities to interpret and make comparisons. 

For each unit of learning, pupils are presented with an overarching question and learning is divided into two complementary areas - 
Knowledge and Understanding: An area of investigation that may include learning about different religions, non-religious worldwide views, books, festivals, places, events and artefacts, for example.
Expression of ideas, beliefs and insights: This area of exploration can provide children with opportunities to express and interpret their understanding through a range of mediums. For example, art, music, literature, symbols, poetry, dance, drama, architecture and calligraphy.


Please see the agreed syllabus for Surrey for further detail on the topics covered.
Riverbridge Primary School